What if your good is just not good enough? Where does that leave you in a world that says that if you’re not at the top you are nothing at all? We’ve been wrestling with these questions this week at our house. Our oldest daughter is trying out for the High School tennis team. This year the competition is tougher than the year before and anxiety has creeped into my precious baby girl’s heart. I’ve been yearning for the perfect words to say to ease her mind and calm her fears. I’ve been thinking about my own experiences to help me relate to what she is going through and the Lord helped me remember a time perfectly.

FullSizeRender (91)I was a Junior in High School when I tried out to be an Officer for the Drill Team. I can remember wanting the position so badly. I was a decent dancer. I had taken several years of dance lessons and practiced often. The day arrived and my nerves were shaken. Something that I had a passion for suddenly had me in a place where I felt frozen and unable to move. I had to do a solo in front of a panel of Judges. The day seemed like an eternity even though only a few hours had passed before the announcement was made. I didn’t make the cut. Tears still surface remembering who was there to hold me. My dad! He didn’t even say a word, he just held me and let me cry. Just this past weekend we were at my parents house and my dad had been working on a gift for Catherine for several weeks. He gave it to her as we were heading home to gear up for our week. The timing was perfect. The gift was perfect. A wooden cross with tennis balls representing Catherine’s passion with the hope of Christ. I felt so much LOVE coming from my dad to my little girl. It was just what she needed.

FullSizeRender (92)After remembering my own experience of heartache and brokenness I knew what she needed to hear. I sat down with her on her bed and told her my story. As tears fell from my eyes, I told her I would be there to hold her whether she makes the team or she doesn’t. Her worth is not found in being a Varsity Tennis player. She is a beautiful child of God deeply loved for who she is…not what she does. I think at times we can get so wrapped up into our performing that we lose sight of who we are and why we are here. I told her the most important thing to remember is to give your very BEST to HIM! He is in control and His perfect will, will be done. That is all He requires from us. He takes care of the rest. Did you know that I went on to dance in college? The Lord was still able to direct my steps to keep me dancing for Him. There is nothing too difficult for Him (Matthew 19:26).

I saw this quote from a friend this week and thought again…the timing!

“Your ultimate fear is not being loved. So many people have this fear…especially great performers. They get so tied into their achievements and success that they wonder if anyone will love them for who they are rather than what they do. But what they and you need to know is that you are LOVED by God, and this is the ultimate answer to your ultimate fear. Do you know how I know this? Because love casts out all fear. If you’re a mom, you wouldn’t walk across a busy highway for fear of getting hit by a car. But if your child ran into the street you would run after her because love casts out all fear. LOVE is more powerful than fear.”    – Jon Gordon, Training Camp

So who do you know that needs to hear words of encouragement spoken over them? Who do you know that is wrapped up into performing and may have forgotten that they are LOVED for who they are not for what they do? Who do you know that just might need to be held with no words spoken at all? Good, now that you know who that person is get out there and love them well. It’s never too late to LOVE! Our words can give life or death. You get to choose how to use them. Choose well sweet friends! #truth #gloryup

“Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Proverbs 12:18

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” James 1:19

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29